Malvern Road Family Medical Centre - Helping Local Families

Opening Hours : Mon to Thurs - 8.30am to 5.00pm, Fri & Sun - 9.00am to 2.30pm, Sat - Closed

General Medicine

We cover the well being of your entire family, from pregancy through childhood into adulthood and beyond.  Our approach to care is based on the principle that the family is the centre of a person’s wellbeing.  Healthy people in happy families leads to strong and vibrant communities.

Our medical centre provides essential services such as nurse support, asthma management, ECG’s, 24 hour holter-monitors, ear-wash outs, skin checks, wound dressing, minor surgery, prescriptions, referrals, blood tests, test-results follow up, blood pressure monitoring, lung-function tests and injury diagnosis and treatment (including MRI referrals).

It also covers the whole range of children’s checkups, women’s health, men’s health, vaccinations, aged care, mental health care, accident and injury diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.